Redis command: APPEND

Redis' APPEND command is a powerful way to append a string to a key's value or create a new key. Learn how to use APPEND and handle errors for a reliable Redis application.

Redis command: APPEND
Redis command: APPEND


Redis is a popular open-source in-memory data store known for its speed, versatility, and rich set of data structures. One powerful command in Redis is APPEND. In this article, we'll explore the APPEND command and learn how it can be used to append a string to the value of a key, as well as create the key if it doesn't already exist.

Understanding the APPEND Command

The APPEND command is used to append a given string to the value of a key in Redis. If the key doesn't exist, Redis creates a new key and sets its value to the given string.

The syntax for the APPEND command is as follows:

APPEND key value

Let's break down the command:

  • key: This is the name of the key to which we want to append the string.
  • value: This is the string that we want to append to the value of the key.

Using the APPEND Command

Let's look at a few examples to understand how the APPEND command works.

Example 1: Appending to an Existing Key

Suppose we have a key named message with the value "Hello". We can use the APPEND command to append the string " World!" to the value of the key.

Here's how the command would look like:

APPEND message " World!"

After running this command, the value of the message key would become "Hello World!".

Example 2: Creating a New Key

If the key doesn't already exist, the APPEND command creates a new key and sets its value to the given string.

Let's say we want to append the string "Welcome to Redis" to a key named welcome. However, the welcome key doesn't exist in Redis yet.

Here's how the command would look like:

APPEND welcome "Welcome to Redis"

After running this command, Redis would create a new key named welcome and set its value to "Welcome to Redis".

Handling Errors

It's important to note that the APPEND command always returns the length of the resulting string after the append operation. However, if an error occurs during the execution of the command, Redis will return an error message.

Therefore, it's a good practice to handle errors when using the APPEND command to ensure that your application behaves correctly.


The APPEND command in Redis provides a simple and efficient way to append a string to the value of a key. Whether you want to append to an existing key or create a new key, the APPEND command has got you covered. Just keep in mind to handle any potential errors to ensure the reliability of your Redis application.

That wraps up our exploration of the APPEND command. We hope you found this article helpful in understanding how to use this powerful Redis command. Happy coding!