Go by Example: Variables

Learn the fundamentals of variables in Go programming. Understand how to declare, initialize, assign values, and work with variables effectively.

Go by Example: Variables
Go by Example: Variables


In Go programming, variables play a fundamental role in storing and manipulating data. Understanding how to declare and use variables is essential for every Go developer. In this article, we'll explore the concept of variables in Go and learn how to declare and initialize them. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a solid understanding of Go variables and how to work with them effectively.

Declaring Variables

Before using a variable in Go, we must declare it. A variable declaration tells the compiler the name and type of the variable we want to use. Here's the syntax for declaring variables in Go:

var variableName type

Let's declare a few variables of different types:

// Integer variable
var age int

// String variable
var name string

// Boolean variable
var isStudent bool

Initializing Variables

After declaring a variable, we can initialize it with a value. Initializing a variable assigns an initial value to it at the time of declaration. Here's the syntax for initializing variables in Go:

var variableName type = value

Let's declare and initialize some variables:

// Integer variable with initial value
var age int = 25

// String variable with initial value
var name string = "John Doe"

// Boolean variable with initial value
var isStudent bool = true

Go also supports a shorthand syntax for initialization called the "short variable declaration" or the ":=" operator. It allows us to declare and initialize a variable in a single line without explicitly specifying the type:

// Integer variable with initial value using short variable declaration
age := 25

// String variable with initial value using short variable declaration
name := "John Doe"

// Boolean variable with initial value using short variable declaration
isStudent := true

The Go compiler infers the type of the variable from the assigned value when using the ":=" operator.

Assigning Values to Variables

Once a variable is declared and initialized, we can assign new values to it using the assignment (=) operator. Here's an example:

// Declaring and initializing a variable
var age int = 25

// Assigning a new value to the age variable
age = 30

We can also perform various operations on variables during assignment:

// Perform arithmetic operations during assignment
x := 5
y := 10
sum := x + y

// Concatenate strings during assignment
firstName := "John"
lastName := "Doe"
fullName := firstName + " " + lastName

Redeclaring Variables

In Go, we can redeclare a variable within the same block, but we must use it:

var x int = 5
var x int = 10 // Error: x already declared

However, we can redeclare variables in different blocks:

var x int = 5

if true {
    var x int = 10 // No error: x declared in a different block

Zero Values

In Go, if we declare a variable without initializing it explicitly, it is assigned a "zero value". The zero value depends on the type of the variable:

  • 0 for numeric types (integers, floating-point numbers)
  • false for booleans
  • "" (empty string) for strings
  • nil for pointers, functions, interfaces, slices, channels, and maps

Here's an example of zero values:

// Declaring variables without initializing them
var age int
var name string
var isStudent bool

fmt.Println(age)       // Output: 0
fmt.Println(name)      // Output: ""
fmt.Println(isStudent) // Output: false


In addition to variables, Go also supports constants. Constants are immutable values whose values cannot be changed once defined. To declare a constant in Go, we use the const keyword:

const pi = 3.14

const (
    monday    = "Monday"
    tuesday   = "Tuesday"
    wednesday = "Wednesday"
    thursday  = "Thursday"
    friday    = "Friday"

When declaring multiple constants in a block, we can use the const keyword only for the first constant and omit it for the rest.


Congratulations! You now have a solid understanding of variables in Go. We covered declaring variables, initializing them, assigning values, redeclaring variables, zero values, and constants. Variables are essential building blocks in any programming language, and Go provides a robust set of tools for working with them.

Stay tuned for more articles in the "Go by Example" series, where we will explore other essential concepts and features of the Go programming language.