Go by Example: Strings and Runes

In this tutorial, we'll explore strings and runes in Go, covering the basics as well as some advanced techniques. Learn how to manipulate strings, concatenate, find length, slice, and work with runes. Master these fundamental concepts to enhance your Go programming skills.

Go by Example: Strings and Runes
Go by Example: Strings and Runes

Go by Example: Strings and Runes

Go by Example: Strings and Runes

Welcome to another installment of our Go by Example series! In this tutorial, we'll explore strings and runes in Go, covering the basics as well as some advanced techniques. So let's dive in!

String Basics

In Go, a string is a sequence of one or more characters. It is represented using double quotes (e.g., "Hello, World!").

Here's an example of declaring and initializing a string variable:

package main
  import "fmt"
  func main() {
      message := "Hello, World!"


Hello, World!

As you can see, we declare a variable called "message" and initialize it with the string "Hello, World!". Then we print the value of the "message" variable using the "fmt.Println" function.

String Operations

Go provides several operations for manipulating strings. Let's explore some of the most commonly used ones:


To concatenate two strings, you can use the "+" operator:

package main
  import "fmt"
  func main() {
    firstName := "John"
    lastName := "Doe"
    fullName := firstName + " " + lastName


John Doe

String Length

To find the length of a string, you can use the "len" function:

package main
  import (
  func main() {
    message := "Hello, World!"



The "len" function returns the number of bytes in the string, while "utf8.RuneCountInString" returns the number of characters or runes in the string.

String Slicing

To extract a portion of a string, you can use slicing:

package main
  import "fmt"
  func main() {
    message := "Hello, World!"
    fmt.Println(message[:5]) // Output: Hello
    fmt.Println(message[7:]) // Output: World!
    fmt.Println(message[7:12]) // Output: World

Working with Runes

In Go, a rune represents a Unicode code point. It can represent any character, including emojis and special symbols. To declare a rune, you can use single quotes (e.g., 'a', '♥').

Here's an example that prints the Unicode value of each character in a string:

package main
  import "fmt"
  func main() {
    message := "Hello, 你好, नमस्ते"
    for _, char := range message {
      fmt.Printf("Character: %c, Unicode: %U\n", char, char)


Character: H, Unicode: U+0048
  Character: e, Unicode: U+0065
  Character: l, Unicode: U+006C
  Character: l, Unicode: U+006C
  Character: o, Unicode: U+006F
  Character: ,, Unicode: U+002C
  Character: 你, Unicode: U+4F60
  Character: 好, Unicode: U+597D
  Character: ,, Unicode: U+002C
  Character: न, Unicode: U+0928
  Character: म, Unicode: U+092E
  Character: स, Unicode: U+0938
  Character: ्, Unicode: U+094D
  Character: त, Unicode: U+0924
  Character: े, Unicode: U+0947

As you can see, the "range" keyword is used to iterate over each character in the string. The "%c" format specifier is used to print the character, and "%U" is used to print the Unicode value of the character.


Congratulations on learning about strings and runes in Go! You now have a solid foundation for working with strings and manipulating them. Feel free to explore more string and rune operations in the Go documentation to enhance your skills.

Stay tuned for the next part of our Go by Example series, where we'll cover more exciting topics!

Happy coding!