Docker command: push

Learn how to effectively publish Docker service images with the `docker push` command. Easily share and distribute your images to public or private registries, simplifying the process of making your images accessible to others.

Docker command: push
Docker command: push


If you're using Docker to build and manage containerized applications, you'll inevitably need to share your custom images with others or distribute them across multiple environments. The docker push command is the go-to solution for pushing your Docker images to a remote container registry. In this blog post, we'll explore the ins and outs of the docker push command and learn how to effectively publish your service images. Let's get started!

The Docker Push Command

The docker push command allows you to upload your Docker images to a remote container registry, making them accessible to be pulled and run on any Docker-enabled environment. Whether you're using a public registry like Docker Hub or a private registry, the docker push command provides a seamless way to share and distribute your Docker images.

Pushing an Image to Docker Hub

To push an image to Docker Hub, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you are logged in to Docker Hub using the docker login command.
  2. Build your Docker image using the docker build command. For example, to build an image named my-service:
docker build -t my-service .

3. Once the build process is complete, tag your image using the Docker Hub username. For example:

docker tag my-service <username>/my-service

4. Now, you can push the image to Docker Hub using the docker push command:

docker push <username>/my-service

Pushing an Image to a Private Registry

If you're using a private container registry, you'll need to follow a similar process to push your image:

  1. Make sure that you are logged in to your private registry using the docker login command.
  2. Build your Docker image using the docker build command.
  3. Tag your image with your private registry's address. For example, if your private registry is hosted at
docker tag my-service

4. Finally, push the image to your private registry:

docker push


By mastering the docker push command, you now have the ability to easily share and distribute your Docker service images. Whether you choose to push your images to a public registry like Docker Hub or a private registry, the docker push command simplifies the process of making your images accessible to others. Happy pushing!