Docker vs. Virtual Machines: A Comparison

"Compare Docker containers and virtual machines to understand the differences and when to use each. Discover the benefits of containerization and virtualization."

Docker vs. Virtual Machines: A Comparison
Docker vs. Virtual Machines: A Comparison


When it comes to running applications, two popular options are Docker containers and virtual machines. Both Docker and virtual machines provide ways to isolate and run applications, but they have different underlying technologies and use cases. In this article, we'll compare Docker containers and virtual machines to help you understand the similarities, differences, and when to use each.

What are Docker Containers?

Docker is an open-source platform that automates the deployment and management of applications using containerization. Docker containers are lightweight, standalone, and isolated environments that include everything needed to run an application, including the code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and dependencies.

A containerized application runs consistently across different environments, regardless of the underlying operating system or infrastructure. This portability makes Docker containers ideal for microservices architectures, cloud-native applications, and rapid deployment.

What are Virtual Machines?

Virtual machines (VMs), on the other hand, simulate an entire computer system using software. Each VM runs a separate operating system and applications on top of a hypervisor, which manages the interaction between the physical hardware and the VMs.

Virtual machines allow you to run multiple operating systems and applications on a single physical machine, offering better hardware utilization and isolation between different environments. This makes VMs suitable for running legacy applications, hosting multiple applications on a single server, and providing strong isolation between different workloads.

Comparing Docker Containers and Virtual Machines

Let's dive into the key differences and similarities between Docker containers and virtual machines:

1. Isolation

Docker containers use operating system-level virtualization to isolate applications. They share the host machine's operating system kernel and resources, but each container has its own file system, process space, and network stack. Containers are lightweight and start quickly, making them efficient for running multiple instances on a single host.

Virtual machines, on the other hand, provide complete isolation by simulating a separate operating system. Each VM runs on its own virtual hardware and has its own kernel, file system, and network stack. VMs are heavier compared to containers and require more resources to start up.

2. Performance

Because Docker containers run directly on the host machine's operating system kernel, they have near-native performance. Containers incur minimal overhead, making them fast and efficient.

Virtual machines, however, have an additional layer of abstraction through the hypervisor, which introduces some performance overhead. Although modern hypervisors have become more efficient, VMs still have higher resource requirements and may provide slightly lower performance compared to containers.

3. Portability

Docker containers are highly portable and can run consistently across different environments. Since they include all the necessary dependencies, they eliminate issues caused by differences in underlying infrastructures. This makes containers an excellent choice for developers who want to create reproducible and deployable artifacts.

Virtual machines, while portable to some extent, require more careful management. Migrating VMs between different hypervisors and underlying hardware can be challenging due to differences in virtual hardware specifications.

4. Density

Docker containers are more lightweight compared to virtual machines, allowing for higher density. You can run multiple containers on a single host, each with its own set of dependencies and applications.

Virtual machines, due to their emulation of hardware, are generally heavier and require more resources. Therefore, the number of VMs you can run on a single host is limited compared to containers.

5. Security

Docker containers provide good process isolation and utilize various security features, such as user namespaces, seccomp, and capabilities control. However, since containers share the host machine's kernel, a container breakout can potentially compromise the entire host.

Virtual machines, being separate instances with their own kernels and isolation, offer stronger security. VMs can provide better isolation between workloads and are often used to mitigate security vulnerabilities.

6. Ecosystem

Docker has a large and vibrant ecosystem, with a wide range of pre-built images available on Docker Hub and integration with various orchestration tools like Kubernetes. Docker also provides a unified and standardized way to package and distribute applications.

Virtual machines have been around for a long time and have a mature ecosystem. Various hypervisors, management tools, and virtualization technologies have been developed, providing a rich set of options for managing and deploying VMs.

When to Use Docker Containers

Docker containers are well-suited for the following use cases:

  • Microservices architectures
  • Cloud-native applications
  • DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Rapid deployment and scalability
  • Reproducible and portable application artifacts

When to Use Virtual Machines

Virtual machines are ideal for the following scenarios:

  • Legacy applications requiring specific operating systems
  • Strong isolation between different workloads
  • Running multiple applications on a single server
  • Migration of existing infrastructure to the cloud


In conclusion, Docker containers and virtual machines offer different advantages and use cases. Docker containers provide lightweight, portable, and scalable application environments, making them ideal for modern cloud-native architectures. Virtual machines, on the other hand, offer complete isolation and are more suitable for running legacy applications and workloads requiring strong isolation.

Whether you choose Docker containers or virtual machines depends on your specific requirements, infrastructure, and use case. In many cases, a combination of both technologies may be used, with Docker containers running inside virtual machines for additional isolation and management flexibility.

By understanding the differences between Docker containers and virtual machines, you can make informed decisions and choose the right technology for your applications and infrastructure.